Sunday, June 5, 2016

One Lazy Day (For a Stay-at-Home Mom)

I feel like being lazy today, so I'll take my coffee to the computer and watch some YouTube. Of course I need to feed kids and start a load of laundry first. The kids are watching TV; they're occupied and not trying to kill each other, to the computer!

Since I'm on the computer anyway, I should print off some homeschooling worksheets. Of course the printer has randomly given up working again, so I have to un-install and re-install it first.

So, now that I've sat here a while, printing, watching videos, and drinking my coffee, I should get up, take care of my mug and use the bathroom. While trying to set my mug on the dirty dish counter, I realize the counter is too full, and the dishwasher is half loaded with dirty dishes. I might as well load ans start it. Kids! Bring me your dishes from the living room!

Right, now that that's done, I was heading to the bathroom. Oh, look, the washer's done. I should transfer that load real quick... and start the next one while I'm here... OK, heading to bathroom. There are 2 baskets of clean laundry in my room; I'd better empty one so I'll have it for that load I just started in the dryer.

So, finally made it to the bathroom, checked on kids... back to the computer. OK, reheat some leftovers for lunch, and then back to the computer.

Since I printed all these worksheets, I should make use of some. I'll have the kids pick a couple to do. Hmm, that laundry should be done by now, better go empty the dryer and transfer that second load, then sort out the clean stuff... I'll fold it later. Back to being lazy, except I want a soda... which emptied the bottle, so I should rinse it and throw it in recycling. Might as well get those cans from the counter while I'm at it. Now that I'm at the computer again, I should really pay bills online, and check my e-mail, and update the calendar... and serve dinner.

Back to laziness for a while. Until I notice that it's nearing the kids' bedtimes. I should get them started on getting ready, and take care of some of the clean laundry, at least the hanging stuff. Of course we can't get ready for bed without a crisis or two, but they eventually get to bed. After some alone time, I eventually head to bed too, but on the way I notice the dishwasher that needs emptied and the basket of clean laundry that has yet to be folded. I can put that off until tomorrow, though, because I feel like being lazy today.